Hi! We’re Phoebe and Audrey, and we’re your secretaries!!

Email us: [email protected] [email protected]



⏰ Recently Released

📣 General Announcements

Council Minutes

🎭 Make Space Requests

<aside> 📌 View availability in the calendars below and submit a Space Request here 👇



📮 Send emails to the listserv

Send an email to an address, and we will review and approve of it before it gets sent out.

From the sid website:

Q: What’s a Listserv?

A: A Listserv is a way to send emails that can reach people acrosscampus. By sending an email to a certain listserv (ex. the SidRichardson Listserv), you can reach all the students who subscribe tothat Listserv (ex. Everyone in Sid Richardson College). Basically, itsan electronic mailing list.

Q: Can I use them?

A: Sure you can! just send an email to the Listserv you want to use,and your friendly neighborhood secretaries will take care of the rest.

Q: What should I put on the Listservs?

A: Anything that would apply to all the members of the Listserv(Sid-wide/Campus-wide changes, info on upcoming Sid events, etc). Forexample on Sid’s Listserv you can send info on intramurals, ticketsales in the commons, review sessions, etc. Also, if somethinglarge/important was lost, you can mail the Listserv.

DONT SEND: unimportant lost items, info about random internships/committees,naked pictures, etc.

📅 Sid Calendars (open to view)

Subscribe to Sid Calendars:

iCal: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/sidrichsecretary%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics

Hours Spreadsheet

📣 General Announcements

📣 General Announcements

🐭 Council Minutes

Council Minutes

✏️ Resources

👓 Sid Richardson College Official Website